Every university holds a ceremony to celebrate the success of its students who have completed their studies and earned degrees. Just having a piece of paper won’t be good enough however.  The key to success comes when they apply knowledge in which they obtained during their respective courses

A little girl raced home from school, came to her mother all excited and said, “Mom, I got a hundred on my work at school today.” Her mother was thrilled, especially since the little girl had not being doing well in school previously. She took the papers from her daughters hand and here is what she saw: Math, 50; Science, 30; and, Social Studies, 20. She had a hundred, but only if you added the total she got in all three subjects..

A lot of us are like that little girl when it comes to Spiritual wisdom. We think we are doing better than we actually are. We think we know it all.  

” I know my bible verses !”  Okay but  do you know the Bible ? .Throughout scripture, wisdom is celebrated as a treasure. It is said to be ” better than riches” ( PROVERBS 3 : 13-18) and  ‘ the source is GOD  who is wise'(ROMAN 16 VS 27) .

Wisdom is more than merely obeying God. You can follow the rules and laws of God and still not have divine wisdom. The Pharisees tried to follow every Law in the Bible, but they were totally out of line when it came to wisdom. Jesus had a difficult time dealing with that self-righteous, arrogant and judgmental group. Wisdom listens to God and acts in line with His Word and His heart.

When Jesus was taken by the authorities in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter cut off the ear of one of the guards. He thought he was doing the “wise” thing, but he was wrong, and Jesus stepped in to correct the situation.

Now let us each respond as the Spirit of God leads us.

Seek wisdom,  turn from you sin and receive the GOD as your SAVIOR for wisdom is like sweetness of honey on the tongue !( PROVERBS 24 : 13-14)

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